Excursions to Mont-Saint-Michel in English

Tourists that saw Mont-Sain-Michel during the tour for the first time feel as if this island-fortress, rising above the sea, leaped from the pages of medieval novels. Its long history combined weirdly religion and war: the monastery founded in the 11th century on the island was repeatedly attacked from the sea and besieged, so that in the 14th century it was necessary to build high-duty walls around it. An English-speaking guide will tell you that once the abbey Mont-Saint-Michel served as a prison, and even a hat factory, but today it is the most popular tourist attraction in Normandy. Among the complex of buildings located on the island the following are must-see:

  • the Church on the highest point of the island that was built in the 11th century;
  • monastic premises, including the abbot's residence;
  • complex "The Miracle", consisting of refectory, knight's hall, courtyard, kitchen, etc.;
  • Saint-Etienne chapel and crypt;
  • fortifications around the monastery and the city.

After visiting the monastery complex take a guided walk through the streets of the city adjacent to the abbey: it is small, but very picturesque.

See also other sights in Paris: Temple of Heaven, Great Wall of China, Summer Palace

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