Fun excursions in Cape Town

An outstanding coffee culture, spectacular street art and a collection of natural wonders are sufficient reasons to visit Cape Town. Sightseeing tours with a personal guide is the best way to explore the heart of the South Africa.

The main places attracting visitors to Cape Town are:

  • Table Mountain – one of the oldest on the planet, which, if not covered by the “tablecloth” of clouds, allows you to see the city from a height of 1087 m;
  • Kirstenbosch – a botanical garden down the slope of Table Mountain (an experienced guide will show you the best places for bird watching and selfies);
  • Museum of Modern African Art, in 80 galleries of which there are unique samples of painting, sculpture, needlework;
  • Boulders Beach is a semi-wild sandy beach on the Cape Peninsula (with any luck, you'll see a colony of African penguins);
  • prison museum on Robben Island, where Nelson Mandela spent most of his 27-year jail term.

An excusrion of Long Street district is the best way to spend a day in Cape Town. You'll find yourself among Victorian buildings, souvenir shops, atmospheric bars, bookshops and antique shops.

Available tours in other cities: Stellenbosch, Johannesburg, Durban, Mossel Bay

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