Excursions with a personal guide to Peterhof

It is difficult to find more perfect pink of graciousness of the baroque and embodiment of power of the empire than the famous palace and garden complex of Peterhof. Built in the 18th century on the model of the French Versailles, it overcame the original in both beauty and scale. It is no coincidence that hundreds of thousands of tourists come here on excursions annually to see the magnificent palaces, fountains and walkways and listen to the stories of guides about the times of Peter I and Catherine II. Visiting Peterhof is especially recommended in the summer, when the parks appear in all their glory. By buying online tickets via Excurzilla you will assure yourself of passage without a queue, so you will be able to enjoy unsurpassed masterpieces of architecture and the art of gardeners without a hitch. Must-see:

  • the Grand Peterhof Palace that owes its present appearance and magnificent interiors to the great architect Rastrelli;
  • the Lower Gardens with its Sea Channel, fountains and cascades;
  • the Upper Gardens famous for their fountains;
  • the Monplaisir located on the Gulf of Finland coast;
  • the small but elegant Marli Palace.

See also other sights in St. Petersburg: Temple of Heaven, Great Wall of China, Summer Palace

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