Exciting walks with a private guide in Vienna

Vienna is the glittering capital of a once mighty empire – still amazes tourists today with its luxury and abundance of historical monuments. The city, stretched on the banks of the full-flowing Danube River, is literally packed with palaces, temples, parks and monuments: every emperor from the Habsburg dynasty sought to adorn his city and surpass his predecessor. Even a short sightseeing excursion through the historic center will allow you to appreciate the beauty of Vienna and feel its charm. After all, the Austrian capital is not only beautiful palaces, but also countless coffee shops, where they serve the legendary strudel and delicious coffee, it is the sound of the famous Viennese waltz and the atmosphere of an eternal feast. To fully get into the spirit of this city, you must go on an excursion with an English-speaking guide, who will tell everything about the great people who once lived and worked in Vienna – from Mozart to Freud.

What to look at

Vienna's full list of attractions stretches over more than a dozen pages, including both ancient sites dating back to the early Middle Ages (the Scottish Monastery) and modern ones that demonstrate a flight of architectural thought in the 20th century (UNO City). Every day thousands of tourists come to the Austrian capital to see:

  • St. Stephen's Cathedral at the square of the same name (Stephansplatz). The sharp spires and portals of the cathedral decorated with sculptures became one of the symbols not only of the city, but also of the whole Austria.
  • PalacesSchönbrunn, Hofburg and Belvedere. The luxury of these Habsburg residences amazes even the most sophisticated imagination;
  • Vienna State Opera. Built in the 19th century, the theatre became one of the world's centres of opera art;
  • Am Hof Square – the largest and most rich in historical monuments;
  • City Hall and Austrian Parliament Building;
  • Capuchin Church (Kapuzinerkirche). This temple is where the Emperor's tomb is located;
  • Hundertwasser House is an example of experimental architecture in the 20th century;
  • Karlskirche Church is a masterpiece of Viennese baroque.

It will take more than one week to get acquainted with all the monuments, but the most important sights, which have become the landmark of the Austrian capital, can be explored in one or two days on your own, and even better – in a company of professional guides, who will conduct a tour in English and answer all questions. You can order such a tour on the Excurzilla portal, and the cost of a personal tour will pleasantly surprise you. And after seeing the city's architectural masterpieces, it's time for typical Viennese entertainment: a walk in the Prater Park, a visit to one of the museums, a ride in a carriage, a mini-cruise on the Danube or shopping in malls.

Available tours in other cities: Salzburg, Innsbruck, Graz, Hallstatt

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