Spændende ture med en privat guide i Tokyo

Hovedstaden i Japan with its futuristic landscapes seems like a city from a fantastic movie: people come here not so much for the monuments of the past as to feel like a time traveler in the future. And since 14 million Tokyo is a metropolis, comparable in scale with the ocean, “to embark on a voyage”, in other words, a tour of it is better only in a company of English-speaking personal guide, who will show the most interesting places of the city and reveal its secrets.

What to look at

In Tokyo, everything is so different from the usual standards that tourists during a sightseeing tour of Tokyo with equal excitement take pictures of both sights and the usual urban environment: skyscrapers, public transport, vending machines, signs and even sewer hatches. However, there are a number of monuments and sites, the visit to which can be considered mandatory. They are:

  • Edo Castle. Strictly speaking, this is not a castle, it's a huge palace and park complex including an emperor's palace, parks, bridges and ancient watchtowers;
  • Asakusa district: its monuments bring tourists to Japan of the 17th century;
  • Meiji Shrine. Visiting it will allow you to admire the unique architecture and get acquainted with the religious customs of the Japanese;
  • famous Shibuya Crossing, immortalized in millions of pictures;
  • broadcasting tower Tokyo Skytree : på sin 52. etage er det bedste observationspunkt i Tokyo;
  • Akihabara -distriktet er et sandt shoppingparadis (spørg din guide om at vise dig ikke kun de største indkøbscentre, men også butikker til anime- og mangafans) ;
  • Harajuku -gaden, berømt for sine modebutikker og usædvanligt klædte japanske ungdomsvirksomheder;
  • Shinjuku -distriktet: du bør komme her om aftenen for at se de skinnende lys fra utallige barer, karaoke klubber, caféer og restauranter;
  • Hamarikyu Happoen haver.

Hvad skal man gøre

Efter bekendtskab med monumenterne i Tokyo, er det bestemt værd at besøge et af dets museer (Excurzilla anbefaler især Nationalmuseet og Edo -æraens museum), deltage i en forestilling på Kabuki Dza -teatret, køre supermoderne biler i Toyotas messecenter og kaste sig ud i et varmt bad i n et onsen -badehus. Ved at deltage i traditionel kultur så meget som muligt kan du gå videre til mere velkendte fornøjelser: smage japansk køkken og shoppe. Hvis du ikke er bange for høje priser, skal du gå til butikkerne i Ginza -distriktet, og hvis du har brug for gadgets og den nyeste elektronik, venter butikkerne og indkøbscentrene i Shinjuku -distriktet på dig.

Se udflugter i andre byer: Nara, Osaka, Nagasaki, Kyoto, Okinawa, Oshino Hakkai, Yokohama, Kamakura, Hakone

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