Sightseeing og tematiske udflugter i Trieste

Trieste er en virkelig unik by. Det er muligt at indse dette fuldt ud allerede under den første sightseeingtur. Den kontroversielle historie påvirkede Triestes udseende - fra antikkens æra og indflydelse fra Romerriget til arven fra Østrig -Ungarn og moderne Italy. Here it is possible to find examples of ancient Roman architecture, monumental structures of the times of the Austrian Empire.

Excurzilla recommends starting the excursion route from Unity of Italy Square - several architectural monuments are located here at once. Municipal Palace and Palace of Modello, a statue of Charles VI and the fountain of the Four Continents, the Giuseppe Verdi Theater and the Palace of Stratti. Together with the English-speaking guide it is possible to visit the museums of the city - natural history, modern art, weapons, post and telegraph, etc. Literature lovers should visit the house, where James Joyce wrote his famous "Ulysses". Nægt dig ikke de gastronomiske fornøjelser - det lokale køkken er berømt for kombinationen af italiensk og østrigsk indflydelse, og antallet af kaffeopskrifter her går ud over alle grænser.

Se udflugter i andre byer: Frascati, Firenze, La Maddalena, Chianti Hills, Alghero, Palau, Rom, Trento, Alba, Cagliari, Bolzano, Bologna, Syracuse, Ravello, Murano, Savoca, Ravenna, San Gimignano, Lecce, Positano

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