Udflugter med erfarne guider i Hamborg

I århundreder var Hamborg en fri by for sejlere og købmænd, der ikke adlød nogen konge, og dens rige historie, som guider villigt fortæller om, gav byen en unikt udseende. Hamburg, den næststørste by med Germany, has its own crest, its own anthem and its own character: you can feel it on the first sightseeing tour of the historic centre.

What to look at

  • City Hall. It instantly attracts attention with its graceful architecture, azure roof and huge clock;
  • Port. Individual excursion to it in English can be considered obligatory;
  • Miniatur Wunderland. You will see hundreds of models of trains and other means of transportation;
  • Churches. The most famous of them, the St. Michael's Church, has become one of the symbols of the city thanks to its 132-meter spire;
  • Hamburger Kunsthalle. Its collection of paintings and engravings is so large that it required two buildings;
  • Chilehaus. Looking at this masterpiece of expressionism, it is impossible to believe that the building was originally used as a warehouse for goods;
  • Rickmer Rickmers sailing ship. Once she sailed the oceans, and today she reminds us of Hamburg's glorious maritime traditions.

Among the museums, in addition to the Kunsthalle, a special attention should be paid to the Maritime Museum, the Hamburg History Museum and the Chocolate Museum deserve special mention, and among the fortifications – to the Bergedorf Castle, built in the 13th century. You can also visit them yourself, but it is better to order an excursion with a private guide. Any tours at reasonable prices both in and around Hamburg can be found on the Excurzilla portal.

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Se udflugter i andre byer: Oberammergau, Frankfurt, Dortmund, Koeln, Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Regensburg, Rüdesheim am Rhein, Berchtesgaden, Nürnberg, Muenchen, Lübeck, Kiel, Potsdam, Augsburg, Aachen, Hannover, Baden-Baden, Berlin, Leipzig, Düsseldorf

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