Sightseeing og tematiske ture i Eilat

Et fashionabelt feriested med en typisk for Israeli cities ancient history, Eilat is attractive not only for its magnificent beaches and diving in the Red Sea. Even the most demanding excursion lovers will find in it a lot of interesting things, especially if they go on a date with the city in the company of a personal guide who knows everything about the resort. He will suggest, what you can buy at Ice Mall Eilat, which cafe on the promenade has the most delicious dishes and low prices, and, of course, show the main sights. The program of a sightseeing tour with a English-speaking guide usually includes a visit of:

  • "Dolphin Reef" park;
  • musical fountains (shows are guaranteed every evening);
  • "Underwater Observatory" park with a huge underwater aquarium;
  • Coral beach (located near the "Underwater Observatory");
  • amusement park "City of the Kings".

Many natural sights are located near the city: Excurzilla especially recommends going on an excursion to the "Red Canyon" park, famous for its unique landscapes, and "Timna" Nationalpark, der ligger midt i ørkenen .

Se udflugter i andre byer: Netanya, Jerusalem, Haifa, Akko, Tel Aviv

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