Gåture i Sydney med en personlig guide

Sydneys er et af de steder, der ikke accepterer afkrydsningen "jeg har været her før og set på alt". Du kan ikke se alt i den største by Australia. After the sights that are part of a standard sightseeing tour, it's time for a fish market and graffiti in the Surry Hills area. Sydney also has great vintage shops, a ton of cosy restaurants and even its own red light district.

Sydney looks like a fun toy that the more you spin in your hands, the more you like it. Excursions with local English speaking guides will help you taste the capital of New South Wales – that's who exactly managed to find the approach to this city!

Sydney excursion programs include visits:

  • St Mary's Cathedral — a fine example of Australian Gothic architecture;
  • Hyde park barracks, survived from the colonial period;
  • famous Opera House — city calling card;
  • Harbour Bridge (one of the largest arched bridges in the world);
  • Royal Botanical Garden, which is loved by flying foxes;
  • Sydney Tower - den næsthøjeste bygning på den sydlige halvkugle osv.

Megapolis smart spiller på kontraster: kvarteret med victorianske bygninger og glashøjhuse ser interessant ud. Sydney ser imidlertid ikke ud til at være ultramoderne-byens skyskrabere viser et godt læsbart tryk af tid. En personlig guide hjælper dig med at finde den højeste bygning i Sydney og afsløre andre fantastiske hemmeligheder i byen på en sightseeingtur eller tematisk udflugt på engelsk.

Se udflugter i andre byer: Perth, Adelaide -floden, Guld kyst, Brisbane, Cairns, Port Douglas, Hobart, Melbourne, Fremantle, Victor Harbour, Katoomba, Brunswick Heads, Yulara, Healesville, Broome, Airlie Beach, Darwin, Adelaide

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