Neustatel, Switzerland

This is the same place where famous Swiss watches are made. This is where the Swiss set all their watches. This is how the Russians are guided by the Kremlin clock, and the Swiss are guided by the Neustatel clock.

Switzerland is Switzerland, but in the city mostly pure French is spoken. Neustatel is the center of French culture and, of course, this language dominates here. As well as the buildings of the Middle Ages dominate throughout the city.

Almost the entire housing stock is from that time, and the streets are quite narrow. Tourist buses will not pass through the city, and therefore local guides have come up with a small tourist train that can easily go around all the sights through the old quarters.

And there is something to see in this city. In addition to the watch factory, the city has preserved art objects whose history dates back to the 16th century. For example Neustatel Castle. Its western wing was built in the 12th century, and everything else appeared in the 16th and 17th centuries. The castle is open to all curious tourists, and there is also an observation platform near the moat from where the whole city is visible.

Further, most likely the guide will take you to the ancient cathedral, in which the ancestors of the counts of Neustatel are buried. This church was ordered to be built by the first of the Neushtatel family - Count Ludwig. But he did not have a chance to see the final version of the building, he died a year after the start of construction.

Then, of course, they will show the city prison. Now it doesn't work. But once here they even kept heretics during the Inquisition. There are so many stories, so little time to listen to them. Therefore, having risen to another platform for viewing the area, we are again invited to the tourist train to view the local beautiful fountains. And they are really magnificent and are sculptural masterpieces.

The best time to visit this city is in June. It is here that the world-famous Jazz Festival is organized. All the most eminent jazzmen come here and share their art with the audience, which is annually visited by thousands of tourists from all over Europe. There is another holiday, but only it takes place in September - this is the Grape Harvest Festival. A cheerful, noisy, bright holiday, where all guests are treated to wine, but at the same time, local townspeople ask for help to bring baskets with new grapes. Not every tourist will be able, after a couple of glasses of fine Swiss wine, to even just lift the basket, let alone take it to the distillery.

So in this beautiful city there is something to see and admire.

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