How to get to Japan: Different Ways of Travel

If there's one thing you can say about Japan is that it's one-of-a-kind country. Japan's unique culture and tradition make this country a very popular tourist destination. Moreover, Japan's blend of modern high-tech cities and traditional rural areas provide a bit of everything for everyone. However, getting to Japan is often the tricky part since it is quite far away depending on where you live or your traveling starting point, of course.

How to get to Japan: Different Ways of Travel

Fortunately, modern means of transportation can make any trip as seamless as possible. But then again it all depends on what kind of a traveler you are. If you want to get to Japan as fast as possible, you'll definitely opt for air travel. On the other hand, if you feel like going on a bit of adventure, you may choose to go by car, train, bus or even by boat. 

Therefore, your options are virtually somewhat unlimited so it only comes down to choosing the best method of transportation that will suit you the most. But even that is a tricky endeavor as you may have to switch multiple transportation means in order to get to your destination. So essentially, everything depends on your starting point and a well-devised plan of travel. So without any further ado, let's have a look at some of the different way of traveling to Japan.

Traveling to Japan by air

Traveling to Japan by air

The most convenient way to reach Japan is by plane. Almost every major city in the world offers air transportation to Japan or at least somewhere close to Japan so you can switch flights in between. Either way, this is the fastest method. So f you're wondering how much it costs to fly to Japan it all depends on where you begin your journey from. 

That is why it's of vital importance to do some online research and check out different airlines before you opt for this method of transportation. Let's not mention the documentation, Visas and all other stuff you need in order to actually visit Japan and focus on transportation itself. As mentioned before, you may have to switch one or more flights along the way. 

Moreover, you might spend some time at the airports due to different time zones you'll be traveling through so expect the jet lag to kick in sooner rather than later. You can suffer through it though as Japan is totally worth the trip. Just make sure you familiarize yourself with all the luggage policies, especially if you have to switch flights. The last thing  you want is to spend more time than you should at airports due to some minor inconvenience. 

Traveling to Japan by boat

Traveling to Japan by boat

Yes a boat trip to Japan is possible and although it sounds like a pain, you won't be traveling by a rusty fishing boat so don't worry. As a matter of fact, you can book a cruise from any major port in Europe. you can also book a boat ride form China, Russia, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand, as well as Vancouver in the US, for example. 

A cruise is just like a plane ride only by sea and it can takes seven days or more depending on where you start your trip from so a well-developed travel plan will be necessary. Fortunately, cruise ships are like hotels on water so you get accommodation, food, entertainment and more to make your trip less dull and frustrating. Keep in mind, that very few boat transportation have routes directly to Japan. 

Most cruise ships will stop by in major ports for resupplying and refueling so that may add extra days or weeks to your trip. This may not be the fastest or the most convenient of transportation methods but it is unique and offers an opportunity for you to explore different places on your way to Japan.

Traveling to Japan via train

Traveling to Japan via train

If you really want to se the landscape and some of the natures most majestic wonders then taking a train trip to Japan is an opportunity well-worth exploring and considering. Of course, there's no direct train route to Japan, since Japan is an island. 

However, You can travel to Moscow and take the Trans-Siberian Railway route to Vladivostok and then take a ferry to Japan. The route from Moscow to Vladivostok takes 7 days alone so be ready for quite a trip. Of course, you'll be visiting some of the places across Russia and you'll have an opportunity to truly enjoy a unique scenic route than you cannot find anywhere else in the world. 

If you don't want to travel to Japan from Vladivostok, you can switch trains at one point and head to Shanghai where you can also take a ferry to Osaka in Japan. A train route may be a bit bumpy ride but it's a unique experience that is suited for travelers with a more adventurous spirit. 

Other ways to travel to Japan

If you don't like any of the conventional methods of transportation for reaching Japan you can always get creative and take a completely different approach. Some people prefer to go by car or bus so that they can stop at numerous locations along the way. Of course, such approach takes a lot of time but it's a road trip worthy of remembrance. 

Some people, on the other hand, and these people are quite the adventurers, decide to cycle across Europe and Asia to reach Japan in the end. Aside form tremendous amount of stamina, you'll need quite the willpower to take on a trip like than on a bicycle. Still, many people do so as it's both healthy and a unique way to travel, though be it a bit on the crazy side. 

Nevertheless, people do what pleases them the most and if traveling to Japan using completely unconventional means is what they want, then by all means let them have at it. After all, it's about the journey itself not the transport you'll use to reach Japan. On thing is for certain though, no matter which option you opt for, Japan is a country worth visiting at least once in your lifetime.