Populära platser
Dagsturer & Utflykter i Havanna
43 utflykter
från € 10
Guidade turer i Varadero
16 utflykter
från € 16
Utflykter i andra städer

Excursions with a personal tour guide in Cuba

Imbued with the spirit of freedom and the aroma of cigars, Cuba is an ideal place where it is possible to combine lying on the beach and a variety of excursions. Lovers of the first should go to Varadero – local beaches are considered to be one of the best in the world. For planning excursion routes it is better to go to Havana. Here, under the guidance of a English-speaking guide, it is possible to either see a lot of sights on your own or buy a souvenir with an invariable image of Comandant Che for a ridiculous price .

Utflykter i andra länder: Oman, Nepal, Mexico, Moldavien, Sverige, Kroatien, Bosnien och Hercegovina, Luxemburg, Libanon, Gibraltar, Australien, Italien, Montenegro, Cypern, Ungern, Marocko, Guatemala, Armenien, Island, Indien

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