Wycieczki indywidualne i grupowe po Bolonii

Miasto, w którym wynaleziono makaron boloński i sycące lasagne, już dawno miało status kulinarnej stolicy Italy. But one title is not enough for Bologna – it is also considered to be the most "educated" city in the country because there is the oldest continuously operating University in Europe here where Petrarca and Copernicus studied.

During a highlight tour an English-speaking guides will tell you about all the secrets of this city hidden away from the tourist trails. Tours in English will help you feel the spirit of Italy: in the Basilica of San Petronio, which was supposed to surpass the St. Peter's Basilica, among the leaning towers (almost like in Pizy ) i niekończące się dachy z terakoty, w Narodowej Galerii Sztuki. Programy wycieczek prezentowane na stronie Excurzilla oferują najlepsze opcje na ekscytujący weekend w serdecznej Bolonii.

Zobacz wycieczki w innych miastach: San Gimignano, Palau, Rimini, Alghero, Savoca, Perugia, Werona, Syrakuzy, Salerno, Amalfi, Piza, Tivoli, Bolzano, Turyn, San Remo, Chianti, Genua, Neapol, Bari, Bellagio

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