Individuelle og grupperejser i Da Nang

Få byer i Vietnam has changed as much in recent years as Danang. All of its sights, including the fantastic "Hand Bridge", without which not a single sightseeing tour is complete, were built recently. The face of the new Danang was the embankment of the Khan River with its spectacular high-rise buildings of hotels and office centers, Dragon and Sail bridges. Looking for the old days? Then go to the company of the English -speaking guide outside the city in the ancient capital of Hue, in the old Hoian or to the historical park "Ruins of Michonne."

Se udflugter i andre byer: Min Tho, Phu Quoc, Dalat, Hoi An, Hanoi, Sa Pa, Nha Trang, Ninh Binh, Ho Chi Minh -byen, Phan Thiet, Vung Tau

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