Fascinerende udflugter i Bordeaux

Når du nævner regionen Bordeaux, er det første, der umiddelbart kommer til at tænke på, vin. Private vingårde og vinmarker er almindelige her overalt. Men gastronomiske ture er ikke det eneste formål med at besøge den franske region, glem ikke det historiske centrum af Bordeaux by. Oplysningstidens bygninger, arkitektoniske monumenter i stil med klassicisme, paladser og ejendomme for kongelige familier, disse seværdigheder er velkomne gæster i den højtidelige Bordeaux. Engelsktalende guider til observationsudflugter i regionen sammenligner det ofte med Saint Petersburg. The cost of an individual day excursion often starts from 100 euros. Trips to the country, to plantations and wineries are much higher. Excursions in English-language in Bordeaux, reveal the secrets of producing an intoxicant, show how to breed oysters and tell how to master wine classification, introduced in the days of Napoleon. Visitors together with guide of wineries, go down to the cellars, inspect how to store the bottles that are dusty from aging and conduct a tasting.

Excurzilla offers to see the following sights in Bordeaux:

  • center of the city with allegorical name Port de la Lune;
  • complex of buildings on Place de la Bourse;
  • Place des Quinconces;
  • Grand Theatre;
  • Cathedral church;
  • Tour Pey Berland;
  • Basilica of St. Michael;
  • museum "City of wine";
  • Paladsporte;
  • maleriske omgivelser ved Garron-floden.

Se udflugter i andre byer: Biarritz, Marseille, Arles, Saint-Émilion, Lille, Reims, Nimes, Annecy, Epernay, Lyon, Avignon, Strasbourg, Cannes, Villefranche-sur-Mer, Calvi, Rouen, Aix-en-Provence, Korsika, La Ciotat, Pæn

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