Gåture med en personlig guide i Montreal

Byen, hvis navn oversættes som "Mount Royal", stammer fra en fransk handelsstation. I dag er det den næststørste by i verden efter Paris, where French is spoken.

European architecture in Montreal, native American traditions and North American values are collected in a very delicate and elegant bouquet, which you can admire for many days. Observation excursions in English language with personal guide will allow you to see not only popular tourist sites, but also the hidden pearls of city.

Absorb the continental charm of Old Montreal, listen to funny jokes about city, and learn about its local residents. Well, after the excursion, refresh yourself with the famous smoked meat and bagels with honey syrup — Montreal knows how to tempt.

Montreal airport car rental - Cars-scanner

Se udflugter i andre byer: Vancouver, Tadoussac, Toronto, Niagara Falls, Canada, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Victoria, Britisk Columbia, Quebec City

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